Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What little do you have?

Many of the youngsters in today’s Christendom just shrug off their responsibilities when it comes to work for the cause of the Gospel by saying that they cannot speak properly by quoting scriptures or pray properly or they cannot play an instrument to glorify God because they are not that very talented and the excuses given are numerous.

Beloved, it is the faithful ones who are ready to give what little they have for God to glorify HIM in every possible way. HE is looking at this act of complete submission and it is HIS duty to add, multiply and produce the abundance with the little you have submitted to HIM for HIM.

If God can use a stammering person like Moses to lead HIS people, if God can use a shepherd boy like David to rule HIS people as a King, if God can use a person full of doubts like Gideon from the weakest clan to save Israelites from the hand of Midianites, if God can use Ruth, a widow to fulfill HIS purpose in whose line Jesus was born ,if God can use a person like Amos who was a shepherd and grower of sycamore figs to be a prophet ,If God can use a person like Peter an illiterate to be HIS mighty apostle; Can HE not use you?

It was only through the little boy’s 5 small loaves and 2 small fish that Jesus was able to multiply and feed the 5000 plus people. Try and check, you are well fit to do some work for our LORD, but you might never know how many are going to be blessed when you are ready to do what you can by using the little you have, for our Master.

God is well aware of your ability; He will give you the needed grace and strength to reach greater heights. The talents that God gives differ from person to person, but if you think, you have the least then don’t dig a pit and put it inside (or don’t bury it),Irrespective of how many they are, just do your best and use them for HIM.HE honors those who honor HIM.
                                     Don’t delay!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What is Praise and why we should Praise?

The word, PRAISE itself has its unique significance. If you could ask me, "Is there a difference between praise and worship?". My answer would probably be YES. I say this because the Bible says so. Praise is a weapon that has been given to each and every believer. Worship is something that he deserves. It’s our heart cry.

When the Israelites were crossing the path of wilderness, God asked them to use this weapon called PRAISE to bring down such huge walls. When Paul and Silas were behind bars, they used a weapon called PRAISE to come out of bondage.

Oh then, why do we really have to praise God?
The Bible says that God inhabits in the praises of His people (Psalms 22:3). In other words, God “dwells” in the atmosphere of His praise. So as His people, we are supposed to praise God each and every second.

Is there a specific reason for us to praise God?
Yes it is. No one in this whole big world can say that there’s no reason for me to praise God. That must be their biggest ignorance. The very breath that we breathe is by the grace of God. The creation and the splendid works of His marvelous hands are greater reasons for each and everyone in this world to praise God. We as God’s children should never hesitate to praise God.

 It is the easiest and powerful weapon, God has given to His children. In times of trouble, Praise God. In times of Joy, Praise God. In times of worries, Praise God. And my list would go on. For in everything God has a purpose. The more we praise, the more our faith will increase. So let’s praise His Holy name forever.

"O come, let us sing unto the LORD: let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation.
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms.
For the LORD is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
In his hand are the deep places of the earth: the strength of the hills is his also.
The sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.
O come, let us worship and bow down: let us kneel before the LORD our maker."
                                                                                                                                          - Psalms 95:1-6

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Second Coming

It is not carrying a book or having a book that will help one in passing an exam but the diligent preparation that takes one through an exam successfully .This is exactly what is expected in our walk with the Lord.

One can be the best Church going person or even a good gospel worker, but this does not guarantee any one, the acceptance of Christ on His second coming to be with Him eternally. The Bible says in Matthew 7:21Not every one who says to me ,’Lord ,Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father who is in Heaven.” So, one has to make sure that one’s life is lived in purity ,Holiness .The world is corrupted ,one should not live as though anything and everything is alright .

God who weighs the motives of a man is so Just ,no one who does not lead a disciplined life according to the word of God can make it to be with Jesus eternally .The bible portrays in Matthew 22 :1-13 how only those who are prepared to can make it to Heaven .Preparation to meet Jesus is a choice that one has to make.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Fruit of the Holy Spirit

Jesus said in Matthew 7:20 'By their fruit you will recognize them'. It is easy to say with our own mouths, “I am this” and “I am that”. But the actual kind of person we are is recognized by our fruit. That is what Jesus was trying to teach those who were following Him.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit as said in Galatians 5:22-23 talks about just one fruit (Note: That is not ‘fruits’ of the Holy Spirit). The single fruit has nine beautiful qualities in it as below.










The fruit of the Spirit does not come just like that. It is through the help of the Holy Spirit and our desire and obedience to listen to Him, that we develop it in us. It is no use having all the gifts, speaking in tongues, exhibiting miracles, prophesying, etc, unless the fruit of the Holy Spirit is exhibited in us. On Judgment day, we will be judged by our fruits.

Lets check out if all of the qualities of the Fruit of the Holy Spirit is seen in us; if not lets ask Him to give us the strength to exhibit His characteristics in us, so that people who see us are able to see Christ in us and bring glory and praise to His name!

Fruit of the Holy Spirit(A deep Study)

 This is not the love that the world talks about. True love can be defined only in Christ as it is a selfless love, not demanding anything, but looking for the good of the other person.

 You might have heard of this quote: ‘Happiness comes from happenings, but Joy comes from Jesus’. How true, entertainments, fun, pleasure only give temporary happiness; but real joy that is always present, in spite of the circumstance we are in can come only from Christ.

 Peace is what the world is desperately in search of. Jesus said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” The peace that Christ promises is the one that is present deep within you when one is in phase with Christ. Those following Him, become peace makers in the world by giving the hope of Christ to the people around.

Patience is a virtue that is really missing today in this fast paced world. We want everything to be instant from our morning noodles to the cash we need that very moment. God wants us as believers to be patient in the Lord, to wait for Him to give the best. The result of patience is indeed a blessing, when we wait for God to give the right thing at His Sovereign time.

Christ never wanted us to do or follow something that He never does or did. While on earth, His kindness is so evident in every dealing of His with the various people He met. When we look at people through Christ’s eyes, kindness is no difficult task; it comes automatically and needs no effort.

It is because of the goodness of God, that we are living. If not for His goodness, we would have consumed long back due to our sin. We as His children need to reflect the goodness that we received from Christ. There are so many opportunities that come our way to show God’s goodness to those we meet daily. Are we ambassadors of Christ’s goodness in the world.

Since creation, time and again God’s faithfulness is seen in all of His dealings with man. He fulfils each of His promises in His children’s life. God’s faithfulness does not depend on man’s faithfulness to Him; He is faithful even when we are not faithful to Him. Are we able to exhibit the same kind of faithfulness?

Gentleness is an inner virtue that is exhibited outside in all of our dealings. The Holy Spirit is a gentle Spirit. He does not force Himself on us but waits for us to give Him the control of our lives and when we do that, His gentleness is reflected by us in our speech, actions and reactions as well.

Overcoming temptations is never an easy task, no matter however saintly a person is. However when God is in control, He gives us the strength to overcome any of those temptations. I Corinthians 10:13 says “when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” When we allow the Holy Spirit to sanctify us and make us pure, He gives us the self control over every Sin that Satan might tempt us into.

How to Worship?

What is Worship?
Worship is something that should come out of our heart. Often times, we do tend to think it’s just a bunch of songs we sing with a great vocals and background music. But worship is never meant to be like that. Worship is all about having a divine communion with our one and only creator.
How to Worship?
There is no specific time to worship God. Every single act of ours is worshipping God. The way we walk, talk and our day to day activities should glorify God and that is all about Worship.

The word of God says in 1 Chronicles 16:29, “Worship the Lord in the beauty of His Holiness”. Hence holiness is a key to worship. We should keep ourselves holy each and every second. That’s indeed  Worshipping God.

David worshipped God with songs and psalms. Songs are a great medium in worshipping God. The more we love God, the more we tend to sing a new song for him. David says, “Fill my mouth with songs of praises”. Hence glorifying God with our songs and instruments is all about worshipping God.

Worship God with tithes and offering. The more we give the more we receive. The bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:26, “For the earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof.” So our worship should reflect our attitude on money and all the possessions. As we worship God with our tithes and offering, we do proclaim that God made everything and He gave us everything we have and He still owns it.

 Worship God in Spirit and Truth. Holy Spirit is our comforter and our friend who helps us to worship God in truth. So we should seek for His Holy Spirit to anoint us to worship God with Truth. Worshipping God in Spirit and truth would give us liberty, break shackles and set the captives free.

There is no limit for worship. No words can ever proclaim the greatness of His work in our day to day life. No poems can describe our creator. Hence worshipping God is all about surrendering ourselves at his feet. Its all about allowing God to be the centre of our life and our everything.