Ever wondered why wouldn’t the roads be smooth enough, without those ugly looking humps to drive on a peek hour of the day??? Have you ever wondered how a pearl comes out of ocean bed???
Have you ever thought about the hope the sailors put in to sail across the winds and storms?Wherever you go or whatever you see, there is something that comes as an obstacle and makes you change your usual pace of day- to- day living.
So how do we really deal with tough times? Are those tough times necessary in our day to day life? The answer would be YES my dear friends. These tough times are part and parcel in our day to day life just to make us a better person.
We see many people including Jesus going through tough times. One such example which is even recorded in the history is that there were so many disciples and believers of God faced tough times just because they stood for Jesus Christ. They endured pain, agony and even death for their stand on truth and justice.
Authoritarians thought, eradicating such believers, apostles and disciples of God would easily erase the name of Jesus Christ from history. But rather those tough times resulted in Jesus living in the hearts of millions and millions of people including you and me. So these tough times will surely come across our life.
It depends on every individual on how to deal with it. If we are ready to take it as a challenge and stand on our conviction with God, we would surely find our names in the Book of Life. But if we try to get rid of it by running ahead of God’s will woe to us!
Remember there is hope for people who put their trust in God. For the word of God says in 1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation(tough times) has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."
Hence let us stand firm while facing those challenges as we paddle up ourselves with the whole armor of God.