Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What little do you have?

Many of the youngsters in today’s Christendom just shrug off their responsibilities when it comes to work for the cause of the Gospel by saying that they cannot speak properly by quoting scriptures or pray properly or they cannot play an instrument to glorify God because they are not that very talented and the excuses given are numerous.

Beloved, it is the faithful ones who are ready to give what little they have for God to glorify HIM in every possible way. HE is looking at this act of complete submission and it is HIS duty to add, multiply and produce the abundance with the little you have submitted to HIM for HIM.

If God can use a stammering person like Moses to lead HIS people, if God can use a shepherd boy like David to rule HIS people as a King, if God can use a person full of doubts like Gideon from the weakest clan to save Israelites from the hand of Midianites, if God can use Ruth, a widow to fulfill HIS purpose in whose line Jesus was born ,if God can use a person like Amos who was a shepherd and grower of sycamore figs to be a prophet ,If God can use a person like Peter an illiterate to be HIS mighty apostle; Can HE not use you?

It was only through the little boy’s 5 small loaves and 2 small fish that Jesus was able to multiply and feed the 5000 plus people. Try and check, you are well fit to do some work for our LORD, but you might never know how many are going to be blessed when you are ready to do what you can by using the little you have, for our Master.

God is well aware of your ability; He will give you the needed grace and strength to reach greater heights. The talents that God gives differ from person to person, but if you think, you have the least then don’t dig a pit and put it inside (or don’t bury it),Irrespective of how many they are, just do your best and use them for HIM.HE honors those who honor HIM.
                                     Don’t delay!!

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